Saturday, April 11, 2015

To my rockstar husband

For the past 6 months, today has seemed so far away until now. It's finally here! My Grandma and I are Europe bound! I'm so honored that she asked me to go on this trip with her. What a better way to spend quality time together than going on (for some people) a once in a lifetime trip. I probably won't make it back until our kids are grown. Something about taking little ones on a 10 hour flight sounds a little discusting. 
My goal is to blog about all our experiences so I have everything documented. I don't want to forget any of the details. 
My day started out with a sudafed. That's my luck folks, I get sick right before the big trip. Head congestion and snot like there's no tomorrow. 
Currently I'm in the car on our way to the airport and decided my first post needs to be dedicated to my husband. 
Be jealous ladies, I have the most amazing husband around. When I asked him what he thought about me leaving for 10 days and he'd be alone with the kids, he didn't even hesitate. You have to go, When will you ever be able to do something like this again, he said. He hasn't complained once. I would've been whining about how he'd be gone for so long, but he's so supportive and good to me. I've been worrying for a while (or maybe just the last week since I'm the worlds biggest procrastinator), trying to make sure I had everything prepared for him. Groceries stocked. Laundry done. House clean. Etc. 
He's such a rockstar, I can't brag about him enough. He'll probably be ready to run away when I get back!

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