Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Europe Day 2- Swiss Alps (Mt Titlis...)

Today is our finale with the Swiss. We loaded up on a bus and drove north into the Alps. You think Oregon is beautiful? You haven't seen beautiful until you see the countryside here. All I kept thinking was RICOLA! 
Here was our ride:

Our first stop was in a small town called Endelburg where we learned how to make cheese! It's dairy country. I'm not so sure I could get used to the smell...

This lady was the cheese makers daughter and she's married to and American. Of course when we were done we got to taste test their Bre, parmasean and another soft cheese. 

Fun fact: the Swiss eat 26 kilos of chocolate every year but only 13
Kilos of cheese. Americans eat more cheese than they do! 

These pictures do absolutely no justice for the real beauty.

Ok, now the mountain. That's right, this mountain is really called Mt. Titlis (Tit-less). I decided it wasn't appropriate to get my kids shirts here. 
We rode gondolas from the bottom and had to get on two others to get to 10,000 feet. It was FREAKY! Grandma loved it. It made me a little nauseous. This is also their ski resort. Unfortunately they had a winter like us with not much snow, so there weren't many up there. 

This is what I'm talking about..FREAKY!

 However, this view from the lodge at the top was spectacular and well worth the ride. There was also a suspension bridge that I opted out of going on.  

I was able to walk through an ice cave, really neat! But also very cold! The floor, walls and ceiling were ice.

A few other things we've noticed:
-There isn't trash anywhere, it's so clean!
-We haven't seen a single homeless person 

Tonight we head onto our ship! We're both really excited to begin the cruise.

P.s.. I'm the youngest one on the ship...by at least 25 years. Most of the conversations at dinner were about Medicare.

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