Monday, September 29, 2014


Just some recent cute pictures I found in my phone tonight

Lily has to do EVERYTHING sol does. Literally his shadow

Getting ready for church

She literally looks like a monster baby here...I swear she's not that big 

Sad day that summers over:-(

When daddy's gone

Not very often am I home alone with the kids at night. I actually hate being home at night without Mr. Mendoza which makes me very greatful he doesn't have a job that requires a lot of travel. Tonight, however, it's just me and the kids while he's at a conference in portland. I'm glad he gets to eat a fancy dinner and sleep in a big huge bed alone. I will be sleeping with both kids and my dog in the room and still probably won't get much sleep. 

What's for dinner you ask? Well corndogs of course! This mama didn't want to cook, so first stop...darimart. They were all out so thankfully we have a brand new DairyQueen in town!
We also popped some popcorn.
Words straight out of Sols mouth, "my tummy hurts. I don't need medicine, I need popcorn. Popcorn will make my tummy feel better!"
So we had corndogs and popcorn..lots of corn which means we got our veggies for the night! I threw in some grapes so the guilt didn't get to me.

I then spent about 25 minutes cutting neon pink Playdoh out of my freshly shampoo'd white carpet downstairs.

Than the fun began!
Of course we line up all of our Babys which sol clearly didn't want Lily to be seen.

Took a few selfies

To end the night, we'll probably watcg Mickey Mouse, or chip and dale, or tailspin, or frozen...or some other movie I've seen a gazillion times and can resite like the back of my hand. Love my kiddos! I'm greatful for our time together.

Here's some gems from Thai past weekend:

Lily's first piggies

The pink boots she wears 24/7

So helpful in the kitchen. (Please note the sword holding my cabinet shut)

Last but not least..lily know exactly where the candy is in the snack cupboard and how to get it herself.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Spontaneous trip day 3-6

Well, we headed down the road (9 hours to be exact) into the night, LA bound. I was frantically trying to book a hotel so we didn't have to bum it in the car. 

I think i need to start out by saying I'm greatful my husband took so many pictures because this is about all I intended up with...

Side note****
Yolo, California exists.

Finally, after Sacramento, I found a cute little place to stay called the Candy Cane Inn, thanks to our good friend Mary Ellen. They had stayed there before and loved it just as much as we did. It is one of the original hotels near Disneyland, right behind California Adventures Cars Land. Let me tell you, it was so cute and clean. The staff were amazing. They had the best continental breakfast near the pool area. When we go back, that's where we'll be staying! It may be older but it's not outdated at all, it has character.

After arriving at 2am and a semi good nights rest, we woke up bright and early and headed to Disney!

Lily hated her first ride!

Unfortunately Cruella Deville was the only character Sol got a picture with and "she's mean" he said. She was making him act like a puppy. He wasn't happy about it one bit. 

We made the teacups go really fast! Mr Mendoza doesn't like spiny naturally we tried to go faster!

Love my chubby girl!

Here are just a few of the many,
many, MANY times these two went on Splash Mountain. 

Forrest Gump rode this carrousel in Saving Mr Banks. I really liked that movie. 

Sol was pretty dang excited to meet Tow-mater! Which by the way, there really are people in there driving.

Some waiting in line selfies!

The Bugs Land water splash pads were a big hit. It was super hot that day. Over the 3 days at the parks we went through several changes of clothes because they got so wet!

You better watch out if you fall asleep in Sols presence. He will pry your eyes open. 

I don't do good with heights, this ride made my stomach turn and all it did was go up and down...slowly. It's a kiddie ride. Sol and I also did the swings, right after lunch. It almost came back up. 

Newport Beach is freakin amazing. One of my favorite places to visit. What I love the most are the super cool houses that line the sand. I am determined to own one someday. I wish we could've stayed longer. 

Last but not least..after a lot of driving, 3 long days in the hot sun, maybe 2 naps between the two of them they crashed hard.

On the last day, we met up with one of Mr Mendozas friends from his mission. They live near Anaheim and invited us to their home for breakfast. It was nice to meet his wife Ashley and little guy Ethan. He and lily are about the same age. 
That night we went to dinner with Mr Mendozas a Aunt Leti and cousin Amy. They're amazing and luckily we've gotten to see them a few times when we've traveled to Cali. Amy is a total foodie like us and always takes us somewhere new. This time 
they took us to a Brazillian buffet. My mouth is literally watering just thinking about this place. Hands down the best restaurant I've ever eaten at. 

All in all this little trip was a ton of fun. We got to enjoy each other and learn a lot of patience. Even after 14 LONG hours in the car, I still love my husband and two sweet kids. Hopefully we can do it again very soon (except maybe fly)!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Spontaneous trip day 1 & 2

There's a small part if my husband that is just plain crazy and it's rubbing off on me. We got in the car Wednesday after work (kids in tow) and drove to Redding, CA. 
Why, you might ask...well because that's where the closest In-n-Out burger is located and he's been craving a hamburger. Weird, I know, but it's turning into quite the spontaneous road trip.
Milestones thus far:

-Lily puked before we even got to Grants Pass (viewer beware!!!) I know we're bad parents, we'll Mr. Mendoza is. He was more worried about taking pictures of her than cleaning it up.

-The car now has a particular smell to it after baking in the sun. Gross.

-Burgers at 10:30 at night

-We stayed the night in a semi ghetto hotel and played all day today at a water park which had terrible reviews but we had a great time! I haven't seen sol have so much fun in a while, we'll worth the crazy drive. He made a good friend named Broady, so cute.

We went on this super cool water slide. They were actually kind of scary and Sol couldn't get enough of them!
Don't worry, I'm not flashing, even though that's probably what everyone thought. My bathing suit has this granny-ish flap on it and is nude colored underneath. 
We had so much fun!

-Bug crashed

Our plan was to drive home, however last minute decided to drive down to Disneyland! I only packed for 1 day and should've known better. SO we ran to Old Navy and I raided their clearance rack as fast as I possibly could for a family of 4 for four days. 
As the song says, we're "On the road again". 9 hours to go...why do we do these things again???

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Camping round 2

We only got a few pictures from this weekends camping trip but they're pretty priceless. 

Lily fell asleep in the pack. Could
You imagine if we were able to do that? Looks so uncomfortable!

How many Mendozas does it take to deflate the air mattress?

We had so much fun. Becky and Randy (my aunt and uncle) camped with us as
well as Luis's mom and siblings. My mom and Don also came out for Saturday to hang out and have dinner. It was some much needed relaxing family time. The best part was we were only 25 mins from home!
Until next time...


This little girl is such a blessing to our lives. She's so fiesty and so sweet. Love her!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Happy day!

As we're packing for our 2nd camping trip of the summer, we're getting high on glue fumes from them installing our granite countertops! I couldn't be happier about such an awful smell. 
For those of you who know how long we've had plywood countertops and a temporary installed sink/no sink, it's a great day. 

Sol and I traced his body like a crime scene and started drawing on his face when he said "where's my armpits? Let's draw hair." 

Tomorrow we're headed to Cottage Grove lake. It will be nice to camp close to home. 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Sunday Fun day

Sunday is always such a great day, aside from the hurry and yelling to get everyone ready for church each week. Unfortunately it's the norm, so we're used to it now.
I love my sweet primary children that I get to teach! 12 today, it was a big class.
When we got home we ALL took a nap. I got in a solid 3 hours of Zzzz's. Aaaahhmazing!
Tonight we harvested the garden and here's our loot ( bug took a good solid bite out of the mato as Sol calls it), also 7 eggs! The kids rode around in the gator, it's the cutest thing to watch. 

Also, those white plywood countertops you see will be GONE this Thursday! Can't wait for our granite to be installed. 

Hey Sol, take a picture with mom. This cute picture...

Quickly turned to this...