Tuesday, July 9, 2013

May 2013

The month of May has presented us with the 2nd biggest blessings we could ever ask for, our baby girl Liliana.
Here is our last picture as a family of three, just before heading to the hospital to be induced. 
Here's a little bit of my birth story (I'll spare you some of the details!)
I'd like to think that I have gotten fairly lucky with both of my pregnancy/deliveries. With Sol, my Dr ended up being out of town when I went into Labor, so an on call Dr ended up delivering him.
This time around, it almost happened again, but I really wanted her there so I was induced 4 days prior to my due date.
We went into the hospital at 12:00 on Thursday 5/9/13 and they gave me a pill to soften my cervix. The next 5 hours consisted of absolutly nothing but resting and watching TV with absolutly no action...I was kind of bummed. Doc came in and broke my water at 5:00 and almost immediately contractions started. My Dr is hilarious. After she broke my water, she said she had to run to the store and go grocery shopping and she would be back shortly...and sure enough, she did. I dont think I was in real active labor until about 6:30. Knowing my almost non existant pain tolerance, I knew I would need an epidural. I tried my hardest to tolerate the contractions but wasnt able too for much longer. After many tears, the relief came at 7:00 . The epidural didn't take as well as the one did with Sol, so I still felt some of the contractions and pain! The Dr was in her normal clothes and I was so worried i would get her all messy. The minute I felt like I needed to push, I told her she needed to get a gown on....I pushed 3 times and baby girl was here. 9:34 pm weighing in at 6lbs 14oz and 18.5 inches long....with a full head of dark hair!

Sol is adjusting quite well to being a big brother. He loves his baby sister so much!

Daddy being a creeper in the background....

 Little miss Frowny...

Sol love to go to the "duck park"...aka, Alton Baker.

He has so much love in his little heart for this girl.

Daddy napping with his girl

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