Sunday, July 20, 2014


The Mendozas went on the first camping trip of the summer this past weekend.  Sol held up his pepperoni sticks for everyone to see.

We're real classy...

Beachside campground is a place we stumbled upon by accident one year and we finally had a chance to book a spot. Let me say it was well worth the wait...aaaahhhmazing! You literally step out of your tent and boom, there's the sand. 
Mr. Mendoza recently bought a small fishing boat. He's been dieing to go crabbing in the bay and was tired of paying to rent one each time. Our past crabbing experiences weren't the best, normally ending up with just a crab or two (never enough to feed us all dinner). We'll I was thoroughly impressed this time. They ( Mr. Mendoza & his brother Chon) came back with 16! We had enough to share with our camping neighbors, which we traded for some yummy campfire peach cobbler. The boys (minus Sol), headed out at 5:30am, it couldn't have been a more beautiful morning!

There was one monster crab, which if course the captain (Mr. Mendoza) quickly claimed. 

We learned a few things this camping trip:

1. How to fail miserably at flying a kite

2. Bug loves to eat sand

3. Sol is the master marshmallow roaster. Seriously he never burned them and the were always perfectly browned. 
4. Sol will roast and eat a marshmallow anytime of the day, even before breakfast!

5. 5:30 am is way too early to be up on a Sunday for these two boys

6. Which than leads to number 6. He sleeps like his mama.

A pretty funny Sol-ism to add...
I told him in 5 minutes I was going to take him to shower, no and's if's or but's about it. He looks at me with a very puzzled look on his face and says "no ants in your butt?". 

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