Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The ultimate test

Last Thursday I had a series of events happen including, not having money when I got to the cash register with my groceries, sol steeling a Cadbury egg in the checkout line, having to walk to the bank irritated to get money to go back and get my groceries all while having the conversation about going to jail for stealing a Cadbury egg. I than got home to no power. After calling the electric company, I was ashamingly told that I had not paid my bill and my power was shut off. How embarrassing, right?

I thought that was a chaotic day but today. TODAY  my children tested my patience down to the bone. In fact, I think they depleted them. I can honestly say that I have never been so frustrated with my own children, physically drained from the constant fighting, hair pulling, pushing, you name it and it happened tonight. I couldn't wait for them to go to bed.
I sure do love my kids more than anything in the whole wide world but TODAY I was ready to trade them in. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Bomb diggity cookies

Today my kids aren't feeling too good which actually worked out well for me as I woke up this morning needing one more day to my weekend and just love staying home with them!
We (Sol and I) tried a new cookie recipe that turned out bomb diggity. I'm mostly doing this post to remember it! Making cookies is our thing, always has been..so we do it while Lily is sound asleep.  

Check out the recipe here:

I told Sol today and that I'm so lucky to be his mama. He is such a blessing in my life. 

Oh and Lily went poop on the potty today! Cookies and poop. Sounds pretty successful if I do say so myself.