Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Peanuts and Cracker Jacks!

We scored some great Ems tickets last night...Thanks Misty! We were in row 2, right behind home plate and there wasn't anyone sitting in front of us so we got up close and personal. It was alot of fun, but now I know why we only go to about 1 game each season...they're sooooo long! Who can pass up good baseball food though, yum!
 Sol even got to give a high five to Sluggo, unfortunately I didn't get a picture of it, but he was SO excited, which made me so happy because he's going to love the characters at Disneyland! 12 more days!

Grandpa snuck away to get some snacks and came back with this cool hat for Sol, he loved it!

His attention span was the size of a gnat, but he's great at entertaining himself!

This kid loves to cheese up the camera, but who can resist that adorable smile?


Fishy Kisses

This past weekend we went fishing with my mom and Don, but not only did we go fishing, we went to a top secret spot 5 miles down this gravel road. I was positive they were taking us somewhere that we would never be seen again. Little did I know it was a very nice spot along the river and we had a great time. This was Sol's first time on the river and he had a really had fun, we all did. 

Daddy ended up catching one good sized fish..not too bad for an rookie fisherman:-)

Uncle No No (aka, Tanner), Tessie and Auntie Kara:-)