Sunday, July 29, 2012

Safari adventure

What a wonderful day...
We haven't been able to do very much as a family this summer since Luis has been working so yesterday I put my foot down and we went to a little road trip just for the day. We decided to go to the Bandon petting zoo, just a drive big deal right. Well, 3 hours later (Once again, Dad and Chris, thank you for the DVD Players!)! It ended up being a much farther drive than I thought. I hadn't been there since I was a kid..but so worth it! We had such a fun day!
It started out with Luis waking me up when we passed the Elk viewing area, we've never seen them so close, pretty neat!

 When we got to the zoo, the first thing we did was get in line to pet the baby bobcat. She was 11 weeks old, and very feisty. Sol was more interested in playing with her toys than petting her.

 Here she was being silly and took her toy back from Sol...needless to say, he didn't think that was very cool.
 It's funny that I was able to capture this because she actually clawed his hand...didn't hurt him, but they said she like fingers.

Daddy didn't want to get too close to the llama, just in case he decided to for sake of the picture, he kept his distance.

There's animals everywhere, you have to watch out just in case they think you have a snack in your pocket!
 This llama was cracking me up! He just kept staring at me...

I love these boys (and Sol's "cheese" face).

These geese are nothing to mess with, they're super mean and were hissing at us. Good thing there is a fence between!

The ass of an ass...haha

The bears were really smart, and Fat..they got way to many treats. They would stand up on their hing legs and show off, it was pretty neat. 
 This was a 12 week old baby black bear named Mazzi.

After we left the zoo, we were only about 20 miles from Port Orford...which is pretty close to the California boarder. I tried to talk Luis into just driving straight through to hit up Disneyland but he just kept reminding me that we will be there in about 6 weeks, yay! I'm so excited for vacation...even though we went to Hawaii in November, it seems like so long ago. So, we stopped there and went to the beach, and let me tell you it was probably the nicest day I've ever experienced on the Oregon coast. 70 degrees and very light wind..don't let our sweaters fool you, we really didn't need them, it was beautiful!

Taking off shoes to go barefoot in the sand:-)

Come on mama!

All I can say is it was a much needed day away..much much needed. We had such a wonderful time, just wish we could've stayed overnight!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Dirty Dash pictures..because I'm way to cheap to actually buy them! More down below from our camera....


I'm quite possibly the least photogenic person ever...granted in this one i was having mud thrown in my face by this crazy air machine.


 Our #1 fan. Love him!