Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Super hero in the making....

Lately Sol is on this "I'm a superhero, there for I need to wear a cape everywhere in the house", kick...and it's pretty funny. One day last week i was folding laundry and he grabbed one of his long sleeved shirts and INSISTED that I tie it around his neck...and he wore it until it was time to go to bed.

He's since moved on from the shirt, to this blanket that he wears everyday when we get home...and might I say, a football player in training? I tell you, he's got a good arm!

A much needed weekend Getaway

 We had a wonderful opportunity to spend a few days at the coast this past weekend. It was so relaxing and a good kick off to Luis's new job that he started on Monday. I think this was Sol's 2nd time to the Oregon coast, but he got plenty of beach time in Hawaii last November:-)

 One of Sol's many gma/gpas got him beach toys for Easter, which was perfect, considering we already had plans to go to the coast. He took his boat, bucket, shovel and little rake thing and we played in the water and dug holes.

The waves snuck up on him and clearly by the look on our faces, I got much more satisfaction out of him getting wet than he did..pretty funny!
 We also built lots of "sand castles" with our bucket...but what that really consisted of was me working really hard to get it packed in there and to come out in one piece and Sol would kick it over and laugh! little turkey....
 Like I said before in my post about the chickens, Sol LOVES wearing his red rubber boots, he can even say 'boots' and tells us when he wants to put them on. Unfortunately most of the time they're caked in mud and he wants to wear them in the house, so the mean mommy I am, I put my foot down!

 We played a few times on the playground where we were staying and had a great time! There was a basketball court and Luis and I found out why we both aren't making millions as pro ball players...well, because we both suck! Sol has a really good arm and can throw a ball surprisingly accurate. One of his favorite words right now is Ball....everything is a ball:-)
He figured out that he could go down the slide by himself and wearing his 'boots', actually made him go faster!

 We got so lucky and were able to spend time with some of our best friends, Steve and Jill. Unfortunately for us, they moved to portland a while back, so our visits are few and far between...so we really enjoyed spending time at the beach with them!

 Daddy found Sol a perfect walking stick! He wanted to carry it everywhere:-)

Monday, April 2, 2012

mmmm mmm mmm!

Try this recipe! it was a huge hit with the little guy....

Frozen Yogurt Pops 
-2 cups plain lowfat yogurt
-2 cups frozen berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries or cherries),thawed in the microwave for 1 minute
-1/2 to 3/4 cup of confectioners' sugar

Combine the yogurt, fruit and sugar in a blender or food processor and process until smooth. pour into popsicle molds and freeze!

 How can you not love that mischievous little face? I sure do!

Our Little Farm...or so we think.

Welcome to our farm, or start of one!

We wanted to find a few hobbies to keep us busy this summer, so we decided to start our own garden (we'll see how green my thumb really is!) and to raise chickens to help feed Luis's egg addiction...no joke, he eats a dozen eggs in just a few days. It's hard to keep up!

So we began with baby chicks, that grew much faster than we had planned, the time to get them out of the house came quick! We couldn't decide if we wanted to just buy a coop, or make one ourselves. Of course it would've been much easier to just give someone else our money, but nooooo, we had to spend 3 weekends in the mud and rain to construct this chicken coop that was supposed to be small and cheap. Well, instead we ended up with a 10ft tall chicken palace...those chickens better be happy and produce ALOT of eggs....

With the help of Uncle Sam, Daddy built this masterpiece! Throughout this process we have washed lots of muddy laundry....even some of little mans that are good clothes (daddy's bad). It's been fun to get dirty, and boy does Sol LOVE those rubber boots.

He loves to pick up sticks from the ground and try to bring them in the house, but mean mommy makes them stay on the deck with his dirty boots.

Today we had to take advantage of the nice sunny weather and get our posts for the fence cemented in. Sol naturally likes to stomp in mud and puddles, so the thought he needed to stomp in the cement....didn't work out so well. 

 My sweet little boy. I've taught him when we're outside and his hands get dirty, to wipe them on your pants, so he will try and wipe his hands on everyone else's pants!
We've found out that chickens aren't the smartest animals, pretty dumb actually but Sol loves them. We wanted to create a fun little farm for Sol to grow up on where he can put on his cute little red rubber boots and go feed the animals. What's next...maybe a goat or two?